Monday, April 19, 2004

Yeah so... what about coffee?

Just got back from a bike a ride, coffee's probably the last thing on my mind. The bike ride seems to get easier everytime I go. It's about 5 miles, probably 50/50 uphill and down, and I've been riding it for about 2 weeks now. I'm trying to build up some stamina and drop the tiny bit of flab I've built over between the years I used to ride my bike everyday and now. I think all the inactivity inbetween has contributed to my current frame. It's not that I haven't been doing anything though- it's just that most of it was in front of a computer screen. So what about coffee?

I've gotta say that I'm really diggin the 50/50 blend I whipped up last week- Ethiopian Harrar Horse Special and Zimbabwe AA- nice African blend. My Bodum Santos electric vacuum coffee pot is truly a wonder. It makes the best damn cup, but it's so finicky. The coffee beans need to be ground finer than auto drip, and if they're not thoroughly ground, the coffee comes out a bit watery. The cool thing about it though is that you can pick the pot up and set it on the table- it's electric so there's no hot bottom!

Anyways- I told Kristin that I would make her dinner a few minutes ago. I need to find a recipe for these Portabella caps I have in the fridge. Mmmmmm... mushrooms! ((drooling like Homer))


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