Thursday, May 27, 2004

Sunny Days are Here!

So I'm driving around today, you know, like usual when I want to go somewhere, and I have the unfortunate incident of running into one of those people that just want to ruffle your feathers. Now don't get me wrong- I will antagonize and bust balls just as much as the next guy, but you have to at least give me a good reason!

I'm sitting at this stop sign, and all I want to do is go straight. The people merging into this intersection seem to have a hard time grasping a single concept- if traffic is STOPPED, don't pull into a fucking intersection and block the people that are going the way that is not stopped! Just don't block off an intersection- pretty easy rule of thumb, right?

People have no clue, really. There's even a big sign that says "Do not block intersection". So this guy decides that I didn't stop enough at the stop sign, and he's going to punish me by inching forward so I can't slip through and be on my way- what a dick. The discussion that followed went something like this:

Real Asshole: Hey! There's a stop sign!
Me: Right! I know!
Real Asshole: You're a fucking asshole! (as he's blocking the intersection for a good 15 seconds now)
Me: Right! I am a fucking asshole!
Real Asshole: Yeah!
Me: Yeah!
Me: Good Comeback!

I then proceeded to drive around this guy, and then he SPITS at my car! What a piece of work! What kind of no class having, white trash, can't read signs type of jerk is this guy? He SPIT on my car! Who does that?

Anyways, I didn't really have time to get out and whoop him, so I just let it go. Actually, I would never put myself in that kind of situation on purpose. If he wants to be that mad about being an asshole, then I suppose he has the right. Bully for him- I hope he really feels good about being the first guy through the intersection.

I think that I might have to start a web site dedicated to the stupidity I experience daily in that mess of an intersection they call Apponaug. Looks like someone already owns ""- I just emailed them , maybe they will let me use the domain!!! That would definitely be cool-

'til next time...


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