Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Breaking Fast

So get this- my boss has been on vacation, and he is back in town today, but not back at work. The owner of the company sets up a breakfast meeting with the operational folk, but neglects to invite me. But I crashed the party anyways an got my breakfast. WTF? What's wrong with this guy? Did he not want to invite me because he doesn't plan on me being around? Is my input not valuable? I mean, after all, I'm running just as much stuff around here as anyone else! So, either my input is not valuable, or he's such a cheap prick that he didn't want to pay for my breakfast. Either way- he's still and has always been a prick.

I just don't get it- I cam to work for this guy for FREE- with no guarantee of any payment unless a sale came in! I added about 50% of revenue last year, and even increased that by about 50% this year!!! I am the person that people want to work for them- but this guy just does not appreciate what I've done in the least. He uses every chance he can to get one over on me and put more money in his pocket. I'm so glad I've already decided to leave at the end of the year- sure will be a lot less bullshit to deal with...


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