Thursday, May 20, 2004

General [M]ayhem - Berg execution was a FAKE - for the love of god read this

Now here's a serious productivity tool...

The Reflex Tester. One powerful drug! Test Your Skillz

Ken's Random Stuff Emporium

Ken's Random Stuff Emporium

Ch-ch- check it like your head!

Check out this pic!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Devils hit cyber church - May 19, 2004 - Devils? hit cyber church - May 19, 2004

That's just too funny- they should've expected it though!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

My Experience with AOL's artificial intelligence

ZolaOnAOL: Hi myscreenarcher. AOL created me to deliver games, a thesaurus, stock quotes, a dictionary, a calculator and more. We can also chat privately together. For more information about privacy, type privacy anytime and click Send. So, how are you?

myscreenarcher: i am good- how are you?
ZolaOnAOL: Everything is running smoothly.
myscreenarcher: nice
ZolaOnAOL: Thank you for that remark.
myscreenarcher: ok
ZolaOnAOL: Good.
myscreenarcher: taht's what I thought
ZolaOnAOL: I do not understand. Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
myscreenarcher: I don't liek owen- do you?
ZolaOnAOL: What is your purpose in asking? I answer a lot of silly questions.
myscreenarcher: I want to see if you like owen or not
ZolaOnAOL: Is it a movie?
myscreenarcher: no he is a person
ZolaOnAOL: A boot? A TV show? My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. Do you speak German?
myscreenarcher: I do not speak german, and neither does owen
ZolaOnAOL: Me either.
myscreenarcher: do you like owen or what?
ZolaOnAOL: Yeah. I don't know if I like owen. I like cats and dogs.
myscreenarcher: that's nice
ZolaOnAOL: Are you getting bored?
myscreenarcher: no- are you?
ZolaOnAOL: Maybe.
myscreenarcher: why
ZolaOnAOL: Why do you think?
myscreenarcher: because you don't like owen
ZolaOnAOL: Not everyone thinks that.
myscreenarcher: but do you?
ZolaOnAOL: Huh. No I don't.
myscreenarcher: so do you like owen or not?!
ZolaOnAOL: Ah. Yes I try to like owen or not as often as possible, do you? I chat with people on the Web.
myscreenarcher: ha!
ZolaOnAOL: I'm happy you're amused.

Venus Planetary Transit - June 8, 2004

Venus Planetary Transit - June 8, 2004

Just so you know- won't happen again until 2012...

Monday, May 17, 2004

Intervention Magazine :: War, Politics, Culture