Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Top News Article |

Top News Article | "In Dover, Pennsylvania, where a court battle is raging over the teaching of an 'intelligent design' alternative to evolution, voters ousted eight of the nine incumbents on the local school board.

Replacing them will be a slate of board members who call for removing intelligent design, which they say is a version of creationism and brings religion into the teaching of science, from the curriculum."

Thank... God?!

'Family Guy' Flips Off FCC | BCBeat

'Family Guy' Flips Off FCC | BCBeat: "And they’ll make you call fellatio a trouser friendly kiss"

If you didn't see the Family Guy last Sunday, you need to...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Bush's War of Terror, WTC buildings (Part 10)

Bush's War of Terror, WTC buildings (Part 10): "The disastrous events of 9/11 ultimately caused the destruction of every building in the World Trade Center complex. Any reliable investigation should include the background and ownership or control of the crime scene, particularly if that crime scene involves a huge loss of life and/or insurance money."