NtheDrgWar at Liberty For All - Online Magazine: "Supreme Court Asked to Overturn Ban on Medical Marijuana Prosecutions "
You know- WHAT THE FUCK?! What's wrong with the people that make the rules around here? Oh wait, I know- everyone's brain is filled with thick syrupy CRUDE OIL!
Or at least that's the way it would appear to someone that had an outside perspective and was just presented with the facts, rather than a hoard of misinformation. Back in the day Marijuana was made illegal for a couple of reasons:
1. Dupont started making oil based products, like plastic. Apparently, hemp oil can give crude a run for it's money if technology is developed- but who wants competition? Especially when you have some friends with influence in the government...
2. People that made rules back then didn't like Blacks and Mexicans, who in the public's mind were users of this horrible drug. So let's make a law that puts the people we don't like in jail. Makes sense right?
Damn I could go on about this topic forever, but before going into anymore detail, I'd like to document some sources of information, so I don't sound like I just puffed down a Marley sized corker.
I'll come back and rant on this at a later date...