Friday, February 11, 2005 - Iran to take control of world's oil trade in 2005 - Iran to take control of world's oil trade in 2005: "*** In 2005 Iran will launch a new oil exchange that is expected to put an end to Western domination of the international oil trade. The US and UK, currently home to the world's largest oil markets, are unlikely to allow Iran to undermine their control of the oil trade without putting up a fight. ***"

Dat be the shit I'm talkin about... trouble for us...

Off The Shelf -- Website by Now Interactive Solutions

Off The Shelf -- Website by Now Interactive Solutions: "Penalties of Stealing vs. Infringing"

Now this just seems a bit off kilter.. ey?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Ward Churchill's Essay and Statement: Updated...Feb 9

Ward Churchill's Essay and Statement: Updated...Feb 9: "The gross distortions of what I actually said can only be viewed as an attempt to distract the public from the real issues at hand and to further stifle freedom of speech and academic debate in this country. "

Ward Churchill
Boulder, Colorado
January 31, 2005

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

China reports US$6.5 billion trade surplus for January - February 8, 2005

Ok folks... THIS is why we're in Iraq right now...

China reports US$6.5 billion trade surplus for January - February 8, 2005: "China's exports surged 42.2 per cent in January from the same period a year earlier, pushing the country's trade surplus to US$6.5 billion for the month, the government said on Tuesday."

Let's string together the pieces- China trade surplus + US trade deficit = no reason for anyone to spend $USD and lots of reasons to spend Yen = need to control oil

Who needs to buy anything in $USD if we have nothing to offer (trade deficit)?

If we control the oil, then everyone still needs to spend $USD to buy oil to fuel their rapidly expanding adoption of modern technology (oil using machines).

If we didn't have a reason for people to use the $USD, then the $USD would become worthless.

Hmmm... something to think about ey?

Oddly Enough News Article |

Nice one!

Oddly Enough News Article | "'What is the name of the memory book you just got me? It's a book about memorizing. It's a memory book. And it's awesome.'

-- Actress CARMEN ELECTRA to a male companion when asked by the New York Daily News what book she was reading. "

Monday, February 07, 2005

Toronto Sun Columnist: Eric Margolis - Paranoia grips the U.S. capital


Toronto Sun Columnist: Eric Margolis - Paranoia grips the U.S. capital: "The Pentagon's new spy arm will be largely excluded from Congressional oversight or media examination. Its special operations teams will roam the globe, all under cover of 'deep black' missions of which no records will be kept, and no questions asked.

Equally worrying, the Pentagon's new special-ops units are headed up by notorious religious fanatic, Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who calls the U.S. Army 'the house of God' and Islamic insurgents 'agents of Satan.' He warned Muslims, 'my God is bigger than your god, which is an idol.'

Boykin's command will now dispatch post-modern Christian crusaders to cleanse the world of Satanic Muslims and other miscreants. The Pentagon's new special forces will be able to run operations of which the CIA knows nothing.

The 9/11 Commission called for improved intra-agency co-operation and data sharing -- instead, the U.S. will get far less co-operation, as the Pentagon goes its own, secret way."