Friday, March 18, 2005

My Way News

Ummmmm... rememebr when they woudn't show Elvis from the waist down on Tv?

Are we regressing????

My Way News: "The Friday night lights in Texas could soon be without bumpin' and grindin' cheerleaders. Legislation filed by Rep. Al Edwards would put an end to 'sexually suggestive' performances at athletic events and other extracurricular competitions."

New Scientist Features - Psychedelic medicine: Mind bending, health giving

There is no doubt the medical community needs to overcome the social stigma of psychedelic substances, and start using these compounds to benefit people who could use them in a positive fashion. Not to mention that you should be able to do what you wish with your own body- but that's a different debate.

New Scientist Features - Psychedelic medicine: Mind bending, health giving: "Maybe, just maybe, after more than 30 years in the wilderness, this powerful, misunderstood but potentially mind-healing class of drugs is ready to be rehabilitated."

Thursday, March 17, 2005

MoveOn PAC

Well worth posting in full...

MoveOn PAC: "An ill wind is blowing across this country. That wind blows the seeds of destruction. Our Constitution is under attack. We must speak out and kill this dangerous effort to rewrite our precious Constitution. Our freedom of speech is in jeopardy.

Some in the United States Senate want to “bully” the American people and the Senate and force feed us far right wing judges.

We cannot let them do it!

Their view of the Constitution is based on the opinions of a fancy Washington law firm. Our view of the Constitution is based on the views of the Framers who wrote it.

They say we don’t need 200 years of American history. Oh no! According to opponents of the filibuster, 200 years of history is a bore. It’s simply passe. Old hat. They say the Constitution is stale bread. Opponents of free speech see no need to rely on Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, or Hamilton.

They want to nuke debate in the Senate and stand the Senate rules on their head. They want to gag the world’s greatest deliberative body.

These instant Constitutional “experts” want to warp the Senate’s Constitutional purpose with a witch’s brew of half-truths, twisted logic and vicious attacks on American history. Why? Because they don’t like the rules. They want to change the rules so they can pack the courts.

They want to change the rules in the middle of the game to get their own way. Who cares about the consequences for the rest of the country? Who cares about minority views in a free society?

Don’t they know that sometimes the majority can be wrong? No! They don’t care! They want what they want, and they want it now. Consequences be damned!

They want the Senate to rubber stamp their judges, just like they wanted the Senate to rubber stamp the wrong headed war in Iraq!

This is a nation built by God-fearing people who want to preserve liberty. The people fear the policies of this White House and its judicial nominees. They worry about the $1 billion a week that we spend for the war in Iraq. They worry about the ballooning federal deficit. People are afraid for their social security. People are afraid for their basic rights.

Are we going to be muzzled by a majority that wants to silence us on all of these issues? Delay, deliberation, and debate may be a waste of time to some, but it’s free speech and the American way to all of us who love our country.

There must be no gag rule for the United States Senate. We must preserve free speech and the rights of the minority. Spread the word high and low. Court packing no - - free speech yes. Nuke the nuclear option. No gag rule in the U.S. Senate. "

Senator Robert Byrd (WV)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

My post on Woot

It's unnervingly clear that no matter what side you're on- left, right, Republican , Democrat, moderate, whatever you want to label yourself- they're all doing a bad job!!!

Here's the solution, free for everyone who wants to apply it: [b]COMMON SENSE[/b]

You want to debate about what to do, what has happened in the past, or what is happening at the moment... apply just a little bit of common sense- you'll come to the conclusion that what we're doing right now, AS A CULTURE, is definitely contrary to COMMON SENSE.

COMMON SENSE says that you don't send people to die.

COMMON SENSE says that if we push our culture on the rest of the world, the corporations that drive consumerism are going to care a lot less about us. 6 Billion people is a WAY bigger potential revenue stream than 280 Million people.

COMMON SENSE says that if you're doing something that doesn't harm someone else, you should be able to do it. I want to light up a big fat joint when I get home from work. COMMON SENSE says there is not a single thing wrong with that- so why should I go to jail if a cop happens to see me ripping a bong hit?

COMMON SENSE says that if you spend more than you make, your financial world is destined to collapse. Hell, even MATH says that.

If we applied a little bit of COMMON SENSE to every day existence, the world would certainly be a better place.

I invite all discussions on this topic here...

Viewer Beware (

Ahh yes.. signing off from Washington...

Viewer Beware ( "More important, this kind of propaganda masquerading as news is a deceitful way for a democratic government to do business; fake journalists paid by the government to deliver its version of news are as disturbing as real commentators paid by the government to tout its views. White House press secretary Scott McClellan defended the video news releases on Monday as 'an informational tool to provide factual information to the American people.' Nice sentiment, but why, exactly, wouldn't the administration want to let the people in on one of the most salient facts: who, really, is doing the talking?"