Thursday, April 07, 2005

Clergy Leadership Network

Rabbi Arthur Waskow:

Clergy Leadership Network: "Today, Pharaoh is not a single person but an amalgam made up of three elements: a government that seeks to dominate the world, especially to control the sources of strategic oil; global corporations that turn workers into sweatshop slaves and pour poison into earth and air and ocean; religious currents that claim all truth for themselves, that make wealth and power into idols, that tyrannize over the mortal and ethical choices of the people."

Read the rest of his speech!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Wired News: Windmills in the Sky

Well what do you know- someone proposing an alternative solution! How novel! He only needs $3M to get off the ground. Isn't there anyone with some extra cash to give to this guy??? It's not like finding alternatives to fossil fuels is humanities biggest task at the moment or anything...

Wired News: Windmills in the Sky: "High-altitude winds could provide a potentially enormous renewable energy source, and scientists like Roberts believe flying windmills could put an end to dependence on fossil fuels."

Oddly Enough News Article |

When I read about this initially, I wondered how long it would last!

Oddly Enough News Article | "An Idaho strip club that attempted to get around a ban on full nudity by giving patrons sketch pads for special 'art nights' was cited for violating the city's nudity rules, officials said on Tuesday."

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Team 8 : News


Team 8 : News: "The Pentagon has claimed year after year that the reason it can't account for the money is because its computers don't communicate with each other. My second question, Mr. Secretary, is, who has the contact today to make those systems communicate with each other? How long have they had those contracts? And how much have the taxpayers paid for them? " news article

That's some serious stuff: news article: "The NYC Truth Movement permanently, and completely, took back Ground Zero from the Neo-Conservative false-patriotic agenda. In true New York fashion, 911 Truth activists unveiled the now legendary banner, which read, β€œTHE BUSH REGIME ENGINEERED 9-11” in front of the World Trade Center footprint."

Congressman Jim McDermott - Speeches - Rubber Stamping the Administration's Policy in Iraq

Wow- that's a serious 5 minutes of floor time:

Congressman Jim McDermott - Speeches - Rubber Stamping the Administration's Policy in Iraq: "Mr. Speaker, I come to the floor tonight because I know that we are going to next week be in a session of the 'Rubber Stamp Congress.' Tomorrow the Committee on Appropriations will meet for several hours, and they will pass out $87 billion worth of borrowed money."

Here's the source of the "Deception Dollars" Congressman McDermott has in his hand:

Army reservist witnesses war crimes

Is there some expression about a horse's mouth that applies here?

Army reservist witnesses war crimes: "In one government class for seniors, Delgado presented graphic images, his own photos of a soldier playing with a skull, the charred remains of children, kids riddled with bullets, a soldier from his unit scooping out the brains of a prisoner. Some students were squeamish, like myself, and turned their heads. Others rubbed tears from their eyes. But at the end of the question period, many expressed appreciation for opening a subject that is almost taboo. "If you are old enough to go to war," Delgado said, "you are old enough to know what really goes on." It is a rare moment when American students, who play video war games more than baseball, are exposed to the realities of occupation. Delgado does not name names. Nor does he want to denigrate soldiers or undermine morale. He seeks to be a conscience for the military, and he wants Americans to take ownership of the war in all its tragic totality."

Bosley Medical Institute Investigated for False Advertising

This is awesome- this guy bought and uses it to dig on Bosley!

Bosley Medical Institute Investigated for False Advertising: "The Bosley Medical Institute Sued by Attorney General for False Advertising"

And here's why it's even funnier.

Clearly one of the funniest SNL skits...

...of all time!


Monday, April 04, 2005

The Seattle Times: Opinion: Why media ownership matters

This I truly believe as well- the US population is being encouraged to subject themsleves to being bamboozled- and not think twice about it. It's not the intelligence level of the people- it's the carefully crafted manipulation we're force fed daily that is our national woe...

The Seattle Times: Opinion: Why media ownership matters: "Americans believe these lies not because they are stupid, but because they are good media consumers."

They're In β€” but Not Home Free

Yow- can you say "bubble"?

They're In β€” but Not Home Free: "In 2001, as the current housing boom got underway, fewer than 2% of California homes were bought with interest-only loans, according to an analysis done for The Times by LoanPerformance, a San Francisco mortgage research firm.

By last year, the level had risen to 48%. Nationally, LoanPerformance says, interest-only loans were used in about a third of all purchases."