Thursday, March 31, 2005

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: I Spy a Screw-Up

Dayum straight-

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: I Spy a Screw-Up: "As necessity is the mother of invention, political pressure was the father of conveniently botched intelligence.

Dick Cheney and the neocons at the Pentagon started with the conclusion they wanted, then massaged and manipulated the intelligence to back up their wishful thinking." - More home buyers go with adjustable-rate mortgages

This is big trouble- when interest rates pop back up- the people with big money will come in and buy everything cheap- we'll just be their slaves!!!! - More home buyers go with adjustable-rate mortgages: "The percentage of homeowners taking out adjustable-rate mortgages hit a record last week, a milestone some economists say might one day spell trouble for financially stretched consumers."

Examining the "Liberal Media" Claim

Hey look- someone did something scientific to refute the widely accepted claim that the media has a liberal bias.

Examining the "Liberal Media" Claim: "Examining the 'Liberal Media' Claim"

WMD Commission Releases Scathing Report (

Oh suuuuuuure.... blame it on intelligence!

WMD Commission Releases Scathing Report ( "'We conclude that the intelligence community was dead wrong in almost all of its prewar judgments about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction,' the commission said in a report to the president. 'This was a major intelligence failure.'"

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Population Age Distribution - the Near East (Middle East)

Here are some ineteresting numbers- take note of Iraq.

Population Age Distribution - the Near East (Middle East): "The table below gives the percentage of the population for the year 2000 that is in the age groups 0-14, 15-59, and 60 for all, countries of the Near East."



D'Alliance: "R. Gregory Stevens, who was the head of the Bush-Cheney Entertainment Task Force for the recent inaugural, overdosed on cocaine and oxycontin, according to the Los Angeles County coroner's office."


Quite possibly the coolest Google logo ever:

village voice > news > Terri Schiavo: Judicial Murder by Nat Hentoff

Nice counterpoint- this reads contrary to every other article I've read about this issue:

village voice > news > Terri Schiavo: Judicial Murder by Nat Hentoff: "In this country, even condemned serial killers are not executed in this way."

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Oddly Enough News Article |

I wonder if there are any by-laws at the school or fraternity that prohibit filming in a frat house?- probably not... what about consensual sex in a frat house? - nope... what about filming consensual sex in a frat house in front of an audience? Doesn't seem to me like they're breaking any rules... why all the fuss???

Oddly Enough News Article | "A California university, once ranked by Playboy magazine as the top U.S. party school, is probing a fraternity for a party where a hard-core sex film was made, a school spokesman said on Monday."

The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town

Damn straight- the religious base in this country needs to wake up an drealize that they're being manipulated for political gain...

The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town: "Terri Schiavo has become a metaphor in the religio-cultural struggle over abortion. This—along with the advantages of demonizing the judiciary in preparation for the coming battle over Supreme Court nominees—explains the eagerness of Republican politicians to embrace her parents’ cause."

Monday, March 28, 2005

Depleted Uranium: Unsafe for Friend and Foe? JOHN T. EBERTH / The Times Herald 31jan03

This is truly unbelievable... we use depleted URANIUM in our ammuntion? So we're actually poisoning the land where we fire guns and endangering the lives of our VOLUNTEER soldiers???

Depleted Uranium: Unsafe for Friend and Foe? JOHN T. EBERTH / The Times Herald 31jan03: "Maj. Rokke said since the Persian Gulf War, the military has developed new, lighter weapons to fire the ammunition, including machine guns used by ground forces. As a result, depleted-uranium ammunition will be everywhere on the battlefield."

The Battle of Darkness and Light

Hmmm... interesting thought...

The Battle of Darkness and Light: "In treating the symptoms of GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), are we silencing true 'gut instinct?' Are we silencing a divinely designed warning system that is trying to tell us we are ingesting something toxic, corrosive and dangerous? Are we silencing with drugs a signal that is warning us we must stop ingesting a toxic substance before it kills us?"

Wired News

Hmmm... I'm trying to figure out this exact thing myself!

Wired News: "'How can a small, well-organized group which is basically the anti-choice lobby capture the machinery of government so that theological extremists are shaping public policy? That's what's going on,' he said."