Thursday, May 27, 2004

Sunny Days are Here!

So I'm driving around today, you know, like usual when I want to go somewhere, and I have the unfortunate incident of running into one of those people that just want to ruffle your feathers. Now don't get me wrong- I will antagonize and bust balls just as much as the next guy, but you have to at least give me a good reason!

I'm sitting at this stop sign, and all I want to do is go straight. The people merging into this intersection seem to have a hard time grasping a single concept- if traffic is STOPPED, don't pull into a fucking intersection and block the people that are going the way that is not stopped! Just don't block off an intersection- pretty easy rule of thumb, right?

People have no clue, really. There's even a big sign that says "Do not block intersection". So this guy decides that I didn't stop enough at the stop sign, and he's going to punish me by inching forward so I can't slip through and be on my way- what a dick. The discussion that followed went something like this:

Real Asshole: Hey! There's a stop sign!
Me: Right! I know!
Real Asshole: You're a fucking asshole! (as he's blocking the intersection for a good 15 seconds now)
Me: Right! I am a fucking asshole!
Real Asshole: Yeah!
Me: Yeah!
Me: Good Comeback!

I then proceeded to drive around this guy, and then he SPITS at my car! What a piece of work! What kind of no class having, white trash, can't read signs type of jerk is this guy? He SPIT on my car! Who does that?

Anyways, I didn't really have time to get out and whoop him, so I just let it go. Actually, I would never put myself in that kind of situation on purpose. If he wants to be that mad about being an asshole, then I suppose he has the right. Bully for him- I hope he really feels good about being the first guy through the intersection.

I think that I might have to start a web site dedicated to the stupidity I experience daily in that mess of an intersection they call Apponaug. Looks like someone already owns ""- I just emailed them , maybe they will let me use the domain!!! That would definitely be cool-

'til next time...

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Ok ok!

Well then looks like its time for me to spout off about the current state of affairs. There's a lot of tension at my workplace, and it's driving me crazy. It really makes me not want to be there. I work in a small business with two owners- one has 51% stake and the other 49%- perhaps somewhat telling in the first place. The point is that while the two of them are butting heads, the rest of a dozen employees hang in the lurch, either ignoring the situation, or waiting to see what happens.

I have a hard time ignoring it, so I'm always asking around to see what is going on, although I tend to hear more from one boss than the other. The whole situation seems kind of shady to me. It's hard to point a finger at one person, but I think I have formulated a pretty good approximation of what's actually taking place.

I'm not going to share it here though- what I will share however is the rest of what's going on. I've been slacking this week all around because of this- I swear, slacking encourages more slacking. Although I have been doing quite a bit of reading lately- mostly on line. Check out some of those links down there- the whole possibility that the Daniel Berg execution could have been staged to distract attention from prison scandal or whatever you want to call it.

Controversy! Everywhere!

No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee's frothy goodness.

-Sheik Abd-al-Kadir

The Future

Why the Future Doesn't Need Us- Wired

The Law of Accelerating Returns-

Then who knows what happens... some ideas from Terrence McKenna- scroll down almost to the bottom for McKenna's TimeWave.


Google Bombing

So there are some pretty cool examples out there- my all time favorite:

Go to and enter "miserable failure" then press the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button-

Try the same thing with "French Victories" and "weapons of mass destruction"

Pretty funny stuff!

Now only if I could get the number one spot for Majik Coffee Company on Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee!

Another cool one would be a higher rank for Hallberg LaTour Homes by the Sea on South County Real Estate.

Some day, some day./././.

Monday, May 24, 2004 Censure Bush Censure Bush

Ask your Senator or Representative to please stop the President from misleading the American public!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

The New York Times > Arts > Frank Rich: Michael Moore's Candid Camera

The New York Times > Arts > Frank Rich: Michael Moore's Candid Camera

Sneak Peek at Moore's new film- check it out!

Berg decapitation video was filmed inside the Abu Ghraib prison

polemics. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. Daily Mislead Daily Mislead

Now how can this tidbit of information not carry a TON of weight?